
StreetWise is a web and mobile app designed so that users can report street harassment incidents and view such incidents in their area. The application uses nodejs on the back end and materialize and jQuery on the front end. Incidents are stored in a mongoDB database, which includes relevant fields such as location (stored as address and latitude/longitude), incident type and description. See accompanying pictures for details.

For this project, Dennis developed the backend components which included defining routes for the express server, an incident schema for mongoose, and establishing communication between the front end and the back end. A full description for the project can be found here


Raspberry Pi File Server Tutorial

One of the first projects Dennis created directly involved his passion for Linux. Essentially a wireframe website was created using HTML and CSS, with an original article explaining step by step how to create a raspberry pi file server, all from the command line. The main prerequisites for following this tutorial are the hardware itself (a raspberry pi, hard drive and network) and access to the terminal from within the raspberry pi.

When this file server is setup properly, it is able to share files with most major operating systems, including Windows, mac OS, Linux, Android and iOS. Content such as movies can also be streamed over the local network. View tutorial here


CLI Digital Store

Another project that Dennis worked on was a command line app using node.js and MySQL database. This app once installed on the user's machine, works by first presenting the user the store inventory. Each item has an associated department, price and stock. When the user decides to "purchase" an item, they are presented with the total price (depending on amount requested) and the inventory is updated accordingly.

Note that when the user requests to buy more than the available inventory, the app will throw an error message. Github repo contains detailed instructions on how to set up the CLI app.



In collaboration with the developers on his team, a web app was created that takes in user input and returns a silly wine related gif as the page "loads". This gif disappears, and is replaced by the requested movie information in the form of a movie poster, short plot summary and YouTube trailer. Dennis was primarily in charge of developing the JavaScript backend that returns data that the user requests, using OMDB, Giphy and YouTube APIs and grabbing information from JSON objects returned from AJAX calls.

View project website here
